The bell rings and la cuenta reversa is playing as I run around the room with a suitcase (full of props) saying “Feliz Año Nuevo”. As the clock strikes twelve times, I eat 12 grapes and say doce deseos para el Año Nuevo. I open my suitcase, have the special student pass out a graphic organizer, and use the items in the suitcase, this presentation, and my whiteboard to teach traditions of the new year in Spanish speaking countries.
On the graphic organizer, students add a symbol or drawing and a sentence in the target language for each of the traditions presented. I write the sentence for them on the white board and they can copy it onto their graphic organizer.
I use infographs, Youtube videos, authentic commercials, and powerpoint presentations to build background knowledge. You can find them on my Pinterest page.
- Here is a list of propósitos for students to write their own in Spanish. I have students put their propósitos on a flipgrid. We can tally our top resolutions and compare them to the top resolutions in Spanish speaking countries.