Tpep Criterion #4: Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum.

Criterion number four is: Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum. 

world readiness standards

The teacher uses content area knowledge, learning standards, appropriate pedagogy, and resources to design and deliver curricula and instruction to impact student learning.  The distinguished world language teacher demonstrates content area knowledge and connects to other disciplines. Our connection standard has always supported connections to other disciplines. We can support the Common Core State Standards by providing students with more experiences with informational text while modeling and practicing reading strategies.  Have students cite text evidence to back up their inferences and opinions. Compare and Contrast. Reinforce the writing process, especially expository and argumentative writing. Use graphs, math, and story problems.  Check out my common core posts for more ideas on how world language teachers can connect to Common Core State Standards.

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ACTFL is in the process of establishing collaborative teams of world language educators from across the United States in a project focused on developing learners’ literacy skills. The development of the Languages and Literacy Collaboration Center (LLCC) will provide educators access to a multitude of resources including: webinars, mentoring, a virtual resource portal, and online discussions.  Educators will be able to collaborate around strategies to reinforce and strengthen learners’ literacy skills.

LLCC logo

With this increased focus on literacy skills, the distinguished teacher seizes the opportunity to make connections to cognates and root words. Find opportunities to extend students’ vocabulary in their first language.  I like to point out root word connections to students for example mort meaning death in French is used as mortal, immortal, mortuary, mortician, and even morgage (death grip) extending their vocabulary and root word knowledge in English. Whenever possible, use metaphors and analogies to bring content to life, or even to practice vocabulary.  Have students make analogies with new vocabulary.

El brazo: El codo – La pierna:__?___(La rodilla)

La main: Le Bras- Le pied:___?___  (La jambe)


The teacher displays extensive knowledge of resources, not only through the school and district but also professional organizations and universities and on the internet, for classroom use, for the expansion of his or her own knowledge, and for students.  Create a classroom library of children’s books, scholastic magazines, books on tape. Create a list of ebooks, websites, and apps for student use and encourage exploration of these sites for autonomous acquisition. What are your favorite resources?  How do you provide clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum?  Please share your resources and ideas here!


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