Joyeuse Saint Valentin

J’adore célébrer la Saint-Valentin! What could be better than a day that celebrates love and friendship?

I use this presentation to start the lesson. I have students open a Google Document on their computers although you could also just use a piece of paper. I have them write the title above and do a google search for La Saint Valentin and add an image to begin their document.

As they watch the presentation, they add five vocabulary words in French with an image to illustrate the meaning, five symbols with images, five common gifts with images, and five sentences from the presentation.

One of my favorite activities I call Whip Around with Tally. I put a list of items on the board and quickly whip around the room asking every single kid the same question while a student tallies the responses on the board. In this case I ask what gift would you like to receive for Valentine’s day and where would you like to go for Valentine’s day?

After the whip around with tally I have students rank order their top five gifts and top five places they would like to go or things they would like to do for Valentine’s day. They then compare their answers with a partner. I also like to use a google form or on line poll to vote for their favorites.

Whenever possible I ask personal questions to increase classroom engagement.

I have my students make Valentine Cards for everyone in the class. Check out this previous post for details and links to resources.

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